Monday, July 11, 2011


I know I'm not in Italy but, "O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?"
If a person of the male persuasion were to yell my name from below my balcony right now, I'd most likely go with him.

Every now and then I get in a silly little mood where all I want is for my life to be like the movies, where the girl gets swept off her feet, there are a couple hiccups along the way, and then girl and boy live happily ever after. Not like the real Romeo and Juliet, even though I love the story. It's all silly, I know, but I want it anyway. I just really enjoy spending time with guys. They're easy to hang out with and it'd be nice if I could find someone who enjoys hanging out with me as much as I enjoy hanging out with him.

This is the closest I've ever gotten to fairy-tale status. Don't be fooled. This didn't end well.

I could write about this for days, but I won't. On a completely different subject, today, I went to Malvarrosa Beach in Valencia and sunbathed for about 6 hours. I'm probably 20 shades darker. Also, I showered and scrubbed my head but there is still sand in my hair. 

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