Thursday, May 24, 2012

The end

This is it. I'm no longer in Monteverde. I'm in San Jose with my long time family friends. My flight leaves a 3 pm, which means I need to be at the airport by 1 pm. For breakfast, there will be Gallo Pinto for the last time...

These last few days have been really hard. I had to say my goodbyes, pack, give tests and I managed to get sick. Luckily I didn't get really sick until yesterday so I got to enjoy my time with friends.

I'm going to miss everyone. EVERYONE! I already miss my students. Many tears were shed saying goodbye to my family. The hardest part was saying goodbye to Sofia. I had her in my arms and we were just hugging. She started crying and I could feel her little body shudder with each sob. That's what really did me in. I hope Kindria gets skype soon!

Thanks to all who read my blog and prayed for me!!! It really meant a lot to me.

I hope to see you soon. In under 24 hours, I'll be on American soil!!!

Paz, amor y pura vida!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Que pereza

One of the most common phrases used by my students is "que pereza" which means "how boring" or "I'm tired of this." As frustrating as this can be to hear when you're a teacher, I totally relate right now. I wish I didn't, but I do.
I'm finding it hard to find the balance between getting ready to go home and still be present here at school. I've lost a bit of my focus. It's not even that I'm bored or tired of this exactly, I'm just tired. Whatever the case, I refuse to let it diminish my quality of work even if my pereza (laziness) forces me to stay up all night to finish the review sheets that are oh so vital to the students' success in the exams we will have next week. Even though I'm tired and ready to see my family and friends back home, I'm going to kick myself until I finish. I will not let my laziness be an enabler of a bad test grade.