Friday, September 9, 2011

Boletas and Blessings

9/8 – I had to give a Boleta today. It's the second one I’ve given. Boleta’s are the harshest punishment you can impose upon a student here. You can’t really do anything but send them to the office and once they get there, they tell their own side of the story. It’s incredibly difficult to prevent this because you can’t leave your whole class just to escort one student to the office. Boletas entail writing down the incident and checking a box with a corresponding level of gravity and then signing it, getting the signature of the principal and then the signature of the parents. Really, what it comes down to is that the parents delve out the punishment. For instance, one of my students hardly benefits at all from a Boleta because she’s daddy’s little girl. She gets away with anything she wants at home. In fact, she has multiple metal teeth because there is no restraint in her consumption of sweets (her family owns a bakery too). The other girl that got the Boleta will probably get a whoopin’ which is ironic, because she’s one of the most behaved kids I teach. Come to think about it, that’s probably why. Both times that I’ve given the Boleta, it has been for giving the middle finger. And they were both given to 1st graders. Such is growing up.

I also had an answer to prayer today! Yolanda called me into the office after school and told me that I will be moving in with a new family tomorrow after school! Their youngest daughter, Sofia, goes to our school.  She turned 4 today. She has an older sister who is 9 but I don't really know her yet because she doesn't go to our school. The family is really nice and I am really excited to move in with them. Keep me and the family in your prayers as we make this transition! 

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