Cristopher’s vocabulary:
Eh – Most common word. More like a sound. Can mean anything.
Tea – Short for teacher. Usually used when he’s upset and wants us to get other kids to play with him.
Tras- Short for atrás (back). Used when he wants you to back up when he’s kicking a ball.
Aquí – (Here) I think this is his only full word.
Second awesome thing that happened was that I got to hold a 10 day-old baby. Kindria, Aileen, Sofía and I went to the clínica to get Sofía her 4 year-old shots (which didn’t end up happening because they weren’t giving them out that day) and while we were waiting, Kindria saw one of her friends with her new baby at the clinic. While her friend was filling out paperwork, Kindria and I got to hold the baby. His name is Joshua (pronounced Yoshua). He was so precious. He was all wrapped up so he couldn’t move and his big baby eyes wouldn’t focus so he just looked cross-eyed most of the time. Kindria and I wanted to steal him. But we didn’t. =]
9/12 – Dean, if you ever read this, I find it extremely important to tell you that one of my students, Fernando, has a backpack of Foster’s Home for Imaginary Friends. It has a picture of Mac and Bloo on the front.
Yesterday, I got to skype Kindra. She just got back from Europe. What a lucky duck. I miss her very much. Sofía wanted to talk to her. It was really funny because Kindra knows virtually no Spanish. This morning, I woke up to the sound of Sofía singing Jesus’ Love is a’Bubblin’ Over. She knows all the words and motions! It’s quite impressive. Kindria was really worried that I was going to be late to school today, but I arrived at the same time as Nate, 7:45. We didn’t even start morning worship until 8:10 because Yolanda was late. Ah, the joys of Costa Rican time. Jeison gave me a ride to school on the moto. It put me in a very good mood. Motos are just really exciting to ride on.
Aileen just drew me a picture of the family…and I’m in it! It’s so cute. She even included the puppies. It’s so precious. I feel loved.
9/13 - This is the morning that I win half my bet. Nate bet me a sock that I wouldn't be addicted to coffee after one month. Today is the morning of evaluation. I don't have a headache so I win! Only 15 more days until I win Calle's half of the bet and complete my pair of socks. Today should be a pretty standard day. At 7:30 tonight, there's game night with the youth group.
Really fun, random thing: My lunch gets packed in Hello Kitty and Tinkerbell tupperware. How cool am I?
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