Wednesday, January 4, 2012

At a glance...

As some of you know, the Costa Rican school year is opposite to the one you are familiar with. It's actually really convenient because rather than saying "the 2011-2012 school year," it's just one year we're dealing with. We start in February and end in December. Easy-peezy-lemon-squeezy.

So, while I wasn't around for all of it, I have picture from almost all of it. The school year, I mean. I made a slideshow for the kids and they all got to take the dvd home to have forever. I'm quite proud of that.

I know some of you are thinking "Oh boy...A 7-minute slideshow of kids I don't even know? Good holy!" but, come on! Just watch it. You have time; I know you do. If not to see how precious and awesome these kids are, then just do it for me so you can see a snippet of the life I'm living.

P.S. Click on the video because it's no fun to watch it when it's this small. =]


  1. Very nice. I liked the music, what is the second song?

  2. Glad you like it! The song is, God is Not a Man by Gungor
