Sunday, August 28, 2011

Hey ya'lls. I gotsted an address!

8/25 – We collected 113,000 colones in all, which is over 230 dollars. I think we did pretty well. My group consisted of the 5th graders. There are only 2 of them. Brandon and Keidyn. We had a really good time. We ate lunch at Tere’s house. She’s a part time teacher at the school. She’s very sweet and brings us coffee when Yolanda is gone because Yolanda doesn’t allow coffee at school even though she drinks it. It’s kind of odd, but, oh well. I think I ate beef at her house or whatever hamburger meat is made of. I really know nothing about meat. It was in a tomato sauce that I ate with my rice. It tasted just like vegeburger, which means…I like it. Alright, go ahead. Gasp, freak out, whatever. I’m still not converted. It gave me a stomachache later. Haha. Being Thursday, we went to the reuñon de jovenes at Ivan and Mayi’s house. We may be starting a choir! As would be expected, it won’t be able to replace being in I Cantori, but you all know how much I love to sing, so I really hope it happens.
Monse (one of the first graders) came to the reuñon because her sister is part of the youth group. She wanted to sit on my lap on the ride up because I am her teacher and there wasn’t very much room in the bus. I tickled her and said, “Viene la araña. Te come, te come. Te comió, te comió, te comió!!!” It means, “Here comes the spider. It eats you, it eats you. It ate you, it ate you, it ate you!!!” It’s what my mommy and daddy used to do to me when I was little. She really enjoyed it. She hugged me and said, “Teacher, teacher, teacher.” I laughed and said, “Student, student, student.” It was a nice bonding moment. If my schedule stays the same, I teach almost all her classes so it’s good that we get along. She’s really great to have because she’s virtually fluent in English. She’s helpful too and translates for the other kids in her class when necessary.

8/26 – Yolanda gave us the day off to recuperate from the craziness of collecting money yesterday. It was nice because I was tiiiireed. We all agreed to meet at the school at 11am, but Calle had to help paint hotel rooms at her house and Daniel just didn’t show up, so Nate and I went to town and used internet. Yay!!! On the way back, I realized that I forgot to download Daniel’s lesson plans (I’m taking over a few of his classes) which I will need to on Sunday to get ready for next week. So we stopped at a little coffee/smoothie/wifi place. It started raining while we were there so we took shelter inside and took some more time to vegetate and watch videos and what-not. When we got back to school, Daniel was there practicing violin. He showed me the piano part so tomorrow at church, I’m accompanying him. I haven’t touched a piano (in this case, keyboard) in quite a long time. I’m just doing simple stuff, but at least I agreed to it. I almost didn’t. Now I get to have another full night of sleep. I’m happy. I’ve been tired. It’s just been tiring adjusting. This is good timing for having a long, restful weekend because on Monday, I begin teaching my own classes, rather than just assisting or subbing. A blessing straight from God. =]

8/27 – Playing for church went rather smoothly. It was nice and well received. Daniel did pretty well. Neither one of us have played for some years so considering that fact, we did a fine job. This Sabbath was communion. It was really nice. Melissa and I washed each other’s feet. In Spanish, communion is referred to as Santa Cena. After church we had Potluck!!! It was wonderful. I ate so much. Everything was vegetarian and there was even vegemeat and habanero sauce for my rice and beans. Nashka Paroza! After we ate we had choir practice. That was…interesting…The man leading out is not very musical. He has knowledge as far as technique goes, but his hearing and pitch is just a bit off…Since they found out I can play piano, I was in charge of playing the different parts. That’s a wonderful idea. The problem is, he was trying to do all the different parts at once. He also tried to make up harmony and didn’t believe me when I played the parts. It was a bit frustrating to say the least. In the end, we had the semblance of a choir, but it’s going to be quite rough starting out. In the evening, Daniel went up to Ivan and Mayi’s and the rest of us went to Calle’s for internet and Movie Night. On the way back to my house, there was the most amazing lightning storm. It was beauuuuuutiful! 

So...If my sources are correct, this is my address:

Andrea Johnson
Centro Educativo Adventistade Monteverde
Monteverde 5655
Puntarenas, COSTA RICA

Send me things or letters! I'll write back, promise. If this changes, I shall inform you immediately. =]

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Teaching, Movies, Crying, Running, Schedules and things of that nature.

8/19 – I taught Kinder all by myself today. Granted, it was only a half-day, but I did it. It was tiring but it was good. We made additions to the Noah and the Ark project we’ve been working on. So far we have the ark, Noah, the rainbow, clouds and 3 pairs of animals (tiger, elephant, horse). We were all really tired today. Around 11, I asked them if they wanted to play outside. They all screamed yes, grabbed a toy and headed out. I was helping Aniela pick out a toy so I came after them. I walked out and they were all sitting on the grass by the fence watching a repairman fix the power line. I sat down next to them and we just sat for probably a good five minutes. That’s a lot in Kinder world. Now we’re at Calle’s house watching a movie. Bring it on weekend. Bring it on.

8/21 – Yesterday was interesting to say the least. Since I can see church from my window, I didn’t go over until people started going in. There were only 3 people at 9am. Things really started around 9:30. Sabbath school was a Día de las Madres presentation by the jovenes since they were gone last week. It was really nice. We all wrote down characteristics of our moms (Amable, cariñosa, buena cantante, preciosa, lista, etc). They even read mine in front of everyone and gave me a rose even though my mommy isn’t with me. It made me miss her a lot. After church I went home and changed, grabbed some beans and rice and headed to Daniel’s. We made makeshift empanadas. Then we gathered our stuff for camping and braved the drizzle and hiked up to Ivan and Mayi’s house (about an hour walk, where we have the Thursday worship). I got really lucky. On the last, loooooonnngggg stretch of hill before their house, Esteban, their son, came by on his motorcycle. He gave me a ride up the hill. First time ever on a motorcycle and it was so fun! I may have screamed a little. Then we waited for everyone to show up. Melissa (Esteban’s twin) had the girls over for movie night. In the end, I decided to stay with them because it was pouring rain, thundering and I would be the only girl. The guys ended up having a pretty good time and it wasn’t too miserable (so they say) but I’m ok that I didn’t go. There will plenty other times to go in better weather. We watched 5 movies last night! It was crazy. I cried in 3 out of the 5. But it was kind of a good thing because it triggered my homesick emotions so I think I released some of my tension. The first movie we watched was The Last Song. *Spoiler Alert* When the Dad dies at the end, I cried a lot and it made me miss my dad and then I felt homesick and I couldn’t stop crying. I went into the bathroom and cried for a good long time. I hope nobody heard me. They probably thought I was dying. In total, we watched The Last Song, The Proposal, Anita, Wedding Crashers (only part of it because it was so raunchy), and My Sister’s Keeper. Now, I’m back at my house. We took the long walk back and it’s time for lunch. I’m gonna eat and then go over to the school and help paint the Kinder room if they need. If not, I’ll work on decorations for Yolanda’s classroom, plan Kinder and find internet. I also need to rearrange my room a bit.

…Later… So, I fell asleep. So much for helping paint. They’re done. I can’t decorate either because I don’t have the keys to Kinder of Yolanda’s room. It’ll just have to happen later. I suppose I’ll just make my plan for tomorrow and prepare in the morning. Nate came by to get the keys and we moved some stuff from the Kinder room to the library because of the mess and because it’s not finished. Pulga followed us over. She peed in one of the classrooms. Don’t worry; it got cleaned up (Thank you Nate).

8/23 – These last two days of school have been really great! For one, I’m a little less homesick. For another, I’ve gotten a chance to bond with all the classes and I’m feeling more confident. I’ve definitely bonded a bunch with Kinder because I’ve been helping out with them the most. But this is test week and I’ve been giving tests and also teaching class. 3rd and 4th graders are definitely the most challenging for me. The girls are easier to deal with. I guess it’s not that they’re really terrible per se, they just have more energy than time to get it out. Teaching math was way more fun that I ever thought. Yolanda wasn’t here today and yesterday, so yesterday I taught 1st grade Math and Spanish. In Math, I got to teach them about adding/subtracting big numbers like 123 + 46 or 245 – 34. The trick is that they don’t know how to carry over yet or how to borrow but I taught them to always check to see if it’s addition or subtraction and then to start at the right and move to the left. Calle also had me teach her math class again today. I actually had a really good time. I freak out every time she’s had me do it but in the end, I always enjoy myself. Today, we all hashed out the new schedule (starting Monday). Here it is:

Biblia 1
Biblia 1
Musica 5-7
E.F. (PE) 1
E.S. 1
Musica 1
Matematicas 5-7
Matematicas 5-7

Ingles 1
Ciencias 1

For those of you who don’t know Spanish:
Limpio = Clean (Clean up, clean up! Everybody everywhere…)
Recreo = Recess
Biblia = Bible (Please tell me you already figured that out :P )
Música = Music (Self-explanatory, eh?)
E.F. = Educación Fisica = PE
E.S. = Estudios Sociales = Social Studies
Almuerzo = Lunch
Matemáticas = Math (Again, I hope you got this already)
Inglés = English

I’m really looking forward to teaching my new classes! The only thing I’m apprehensive about is Music class. Resources are really limited for this class. I just need to figure out what angle to take with this. Should I concentrate on theory or maybe just teach them to sing songs or teach them to play the recorder or should I use a keyboard (we don’t have a piano L) instead? The possibilities are many though the resources are limited. Tricky business indeed.
On a completely different note, I went running with Nate and Daniel today after school. I think I’m going to be really sore tomorrow. I wanna keep it up though. This was the first time in quite awhile that it hasn’t been pouring rain in the afternoon. It was quite nice. This evening after I ate and showered, a bunch of the youth group came to the school and we had worship and then ate some snacks and played games. It was really fun! The stars were out again tonight. It’s a little disappointing that I don’t recognize the constellations, but it’s still beautiful. Now for bed. I’m zonked. Tomorrow is supposed to be an easier day. I hope that it’s so.

8/24 – Today was not as good as I hoped. It was just so lonnnnnggggg…I woke up exhausted. It probably had to do with going on that run. I’m really sore. My thighs in particular. I was so tired I had a full cup of coffee at lunch time. I barely even drink a full cup when I drink coffee, let alone every morning. I’ve resolved not to become an addict. I bet Nate and Calle a sock each that I won’t get hooked within 1 month and 1 ½ months. I spent most of my day cleaning and organizing the Kinder room. The paint was all dry by this morning so Calle and I moved everything back inside and then I put everything in it’s place and rearranged stuff. It really satisfied my CDO tendencies (CDO is like OCD, but in alphabetical order. As it should be). Yolanda was back today and we had a meeting after school. Apparently the schedule may change a bit. Kinder is only going to be 4 days a week too.
My puppy, Pulga, has a broken leg. It’s so sad! She still tries to follow me school. Poor baby. I hope she heals well.
Tomorrow, the other teachers, the 5th-7th graders and I are going door-to-door to collect money for ADRA. I’m really not good at all at this sort of thing. It should be interesting though. Now for Movie Night!!! We’re going to watch Top Gun. Kindra, I’m thinking of you. =]

Saturday, August 20, 2011

This Bird Has Flown

I'm gone. I'm in a different country. I only know 3 people who speak fluent English. This is day 9 and I feel like I've been here for months. I've been journaling so I'll just let you read for yourself what I've been up to.

8/10 - Other than almost being denied boarding from Sac to Houston, my trip was rather uneventful. I had the standard "wake-up, fall asleep, repeat" cycle that is all too familiar to my travels. My second gate was moved last minute and the immigration line took forever but that's pretty standard I'd say. I found Daniel (He's Czech), on of the SMs, without much trouble and took a taxi to the bus station. We waited 2 hours for the 2nd and last bus of the day to Monteverde. The bus ride was also relatively uneventful. After trying to keep my eyes open to enjoy the scenery, I collapsed into slumberland. Again, it was standard vehicle-sleeping for me: Head back, eyebrows furrowed, mouth wide open. I did warn Daniel that this would happen so hopefully he doesn't think I'm too much of a weirdo. 4 1/2 hours later we arrived. The last hour or so was breathtaking! The sunset was brilliant orange, red and which emphasized the majestic mountains that our bus was scaling. All the vegetation is so green fuschia. More green than anything I've ever seen.  Trees and luscious grass stretch as far as the eye can see. I can't wait to see this place in daylight. Tonight I'm staying in the principal's home. She was very kind and had spaghetti for Daniel and I when we arrived. The sauce had chicken in it but I ate it anyway without complaint or mention of the fact that I'm vegetarian. I really hope that the family I'll be staying with is vegetarian. I highly doubt it, but I'll hope anyway. I guess I'll just have to suck it up and eat meat for a year. It won't kill me. I'm in bed before 9 pm (8 without the time change), showered and ready to fall asleep. God is so good! I'm so thankful to God that my trip was so smooth. Tomorrow I see the school and meet the other SMs. Woo!

8/11 - When I woke up, I almost cried. I was nervous to meet the other volunteers, sad because I was no longer a vegetarian (this is marginally funny, but I'm still sad), sad because I was still so tired, scared of meeting the kids and sad because I couldn't hug my mom and make it all better. Now, it's 10:30 and I still want to cry, but only because I can't hug my mom and because I'm tired again. I met Nate first. He's really an awesome guy. I feel really comfortable around him which is good because there are only 3 other SMs total so naturally it's good that I get along with him. Daniel leaves in September so after that, there will only be 2 others. Calle (pronounced Kali) is really awesome too. After morning worship, I went with her to the Kinder room. I helped her out all morning and I loved it. Those kids have already stolen my heart. We sang songs and played recess, had snack and did art and flashcards. I was really proud because I got "the punk," Christopher, to play catch with me and to sing with the group. He's only 3 and needs a little one-on-one time which is hard because it's usually only one person taking charge of Kinder. Calle is awesome for accomplishing all that she was with them. They're darling but fiesty too. 
After lunch, I observed Daniel's Social Studies class and Calle's Science class. It turns out I like little kids more than I thought. I liked Kinder best. After school, we had a staff meeting and discussed the upcoming Mother's Day program (Monday). Calle and I are in charge of the little ones. Then I helped Nate with his evaluation of Yolanda and Calle taught me the chords for "Somewhere over the Rainbow" on ukulele. I was stoked. After heading back to Yolanda's house, Nate Daniel and I headed to the reuñon de jovenes in town. It's a youth group gathering. They're all really nice. They're incredibly active in their group. They take turns every week teaching the lesson. They invited us to go with them to San Jose this weekend for an Adventist Youth Conference. We're going! Now that we’re back from he reuñon, I’m staying at Yolanda’s another night. My stuff is at another teacher’s house because my family wasn’t home when I needed to move in. Interestingly enough, her name is also Yolanda. Her son, Fabian, goes to the school. He desperately wants to use my computer to play games. I’m not going to let him. Poor kid. Yolanda (principal) had food waiting for me when I got back. She’s so sweet. I stood up for myself and told her that fish makes my stomach hurt, which is basically true. I puked last time I ate it, immediately after consumption. So I didn’t want to risk it. She was really nice and said not to worry and that it’s important to say when something doesn’t sit well with me. Very kind of her. Tonight I’m sleeping in my dirty clothes because my stuff is at the other house. Hopefully I’ll get to change before school.

8/12 – Fridays are half-days at school which was interesting. I noticed partwat through worship that I was not up front singing with the other teachers. That was bad of me. I forget that I need to jump right in. Other than that, things went pretty smooth. Well, almost. Christopher, the “punk” hit and older kid in the mouth with a phone and broke his tooth in half. Luckily it was a baby tooth. Yolanda will not be happy. All us teachers went to Aniela and Dylan’s house after school. It’s an amazing house. Their dad, Javier, built it. It’s all wood with incredible details with a tree in the middle. You can’t even hear when it rains. We swam in their pool that overlooks the descending mountains out towards Puntarenas. Breathtaking to the max! They fed us and then we hung out. They gave us a ride back to Calle’s home, which is a hotel room. Then Calle, Nate and I went into downtown. We walked around, schemed about tomorrow and then I finally met Fabian’s mom, Yolanda. I don’t know if she’s actually married to him, but her man, Chino, lives here to. Fabian calls him Dad, but I’m not sure. I need to get shampoo and stuff. She asked me if I eat meat. I told her chicken. I’ll tough it. Chicken is palatable for me. I told her fish makes me sick. Luckily she didn’t give me grief. I wake up at 5:30 tomorrow for the youth excursion. Woo? Haha.

8/16 – The youth trip was pretty fun though we didn’t spend much time at the actual youth convention. Actually, the convention itself made me mad, at first. It appeared that they were charging us for entering church. It turns out they weren’t. It wasn’t church yet, but I almost got seriously mad. It was hard to pay attention because it was such a production and they speak so fast in Spanish.  In the evening, after sundown, we teachers went to the Mall and watched Captain America. It was awesome!!! I loved it. We muched on the candy I brought for them. Calle and Nate keep treating me. It’s almost impossible to treat them back; They’re ridiculously nice. Afterwards, we caught a taxi back to the house. The group said they would be back from the youth meeting by 10 pm at the latest but we waited outside until 11:30. The grandma was supposed to let us in but we didn’t yell enough apparently. Oops. But we had fun. WE all learned interesting things about one another. Ha. On Sunday, we thought we were going to leave after breakfast. That turned into after lunch, which became after a day at an amusement park. I t was really fun but I was stressed out about being “home.” It ended up ok though and it was fun. Isaac and Daniel did a dancing game. Monday was Día de las Madres (yes, different than ours). We spent the day preparing for the program since hardly any kids came to school. The program was rough, as all kid programs are, but the parents like it and the kids were cute. Win-win. After teardown, we teachers watched Black Sheep at the school. I missed dinner as usual. Today (Monday) is the first day that I actually ate dinner with my family since I’ve been here. I also got Internet today. Calle had me teach math today. That was cool. After seeing more classes, I feel that I can teach anything if I need to. That’s comforting. You know, the other volunteers are wonderful. Daniel is very calm and always knows what’s going on. Calle is exciting, a ton of fun and gets me to stretch (like teaching Math the other day). Nate keeps me laughing and I’m pretty comfortable around him. My family wants me to get my parents to buy and bring shoes to them (they’d pay of course). Now I need to sleep. I’m zonked. I wish I could bring in Pulga, the puppy. I want him to sleep with me. He’s cuddly and precious and I need a hug. He’d be helpful. Ha. Chino just said “Que Adventista” about me because I don’t eat meat. It’s true. I’m “corrupted.”

8/18 – Last night was the first time I’ve seen any stars at all since I arrived. I almost cried I was so happy! It’s actually not that terrible since I’ve been here barely over a week. I’m teaching Kinder in the morning and today and yesterday I taught Math. I had to “yell” at a kid who tried to cheat. He thought I wouldn’t find out because he thought I don’t speak Spanish. I sure showed him. The kids paid attention to me after that which was really nice. I hope that continues.  Probably won’t. We’ll see. I’m also in charge of decorating Yolanda’s classroom. It’s going to be kind of a chore. Ok, in all seriousness, I’m not doing well right now. I feel like I have no privacy and yet, I still feel alone. If I’m not at school or with the other teachers, I get sad. When I have down time, all I want to do is sleep or watch movies. I’ve really done neither of those until now. I’m watching Dan in Real Life. I just feel very vulnerable and like I may break down at any moment. I really hope it doesn’t happen at school. I’m not getting enough hugs. That’s a huge part of it. I die without physical affection. Kinder hugs are the closest I get. And the puppy. I pray every day that I’ll adjust. I’m trying to be patient but it’s hard. I need some love.

8/19 – I taught Kinder all by myself today. Granted, it was only a half-day, but I did it. It was tiring but it was good. We made additions to the Noah and the Ark project we’ve been working on. So far we have the ark, Noah, the rainbow, clouds and 3 pairs of animals (tiger, elephant, horse). We were all really tired today. Around 11, I asked them if they wanted to play outside. They all screamed yes, grabbed a toy and headed out. I was helping Aniela pick out a toy so I came after them. I walked out and they were all sitting on the grass by the fence watching a repairman fix the power line. I sat down next to them and we just sat for probably a good five minutes. That’s a lot in Kinder world. Now we’re at Calle’s house watching a movie. Bring it on weekend. Bring it on. 

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I'm currently being lazy and not getting in line for boarding at Sacramento Airport. I'm headed to Houston where I will continue to San Jose. I'm nervous! I'm excited! I'm sad. But mostly excited. Here we go! Boarding time!!!